我靈歌唱10. Dottie Rainbow – 磐石


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聖經說:主是我們的磐石。今天要來介紹一首經典的福音歌曲 「I go to the Rock」- 奔向我的磐石。這是由傳奇白人南方鄉村福音女歌手Dottie Rainbow 所寫的,卻是被黑人福音歌手團體所唱紅。今天我們要介紹的是巨星惠妮休士頓所演唱的版本,是收錄在1996年她和影帝丹佐華盛頓演出的電影「The preacher’s wife 天使保鏢」。這部電影的原聲帶,創下有史以來最暢銷的黑人靈魂福音專輯,在排行榜長達26周,全球熱賣6百萬張唱片! Whitney Houston 在電影中飾演歌藝出眾、才貌雙全的師母,在教會帶領班,在電影和Georgia mass choir 有許多很精彩的互動,可以深刻讓觀眾感受到黑人教會的音樂力量。

【I go to the Rock】

[Verse 1]
Where do I go?
When there’s nobody else to turn to
Who do I talk to?
When nobody wants to listen
Who do I lean on? Oh
When there is no foundation stable
I go to the rock
I know he is able, I go to the rock

I go to the rock of my salvation
I go to the stone that the builders rejected
I run to the mountain
And the mountain he stands by me
When the Earth all around me is sinking sand
On Christ the solid rock I stand
When I need a shelter I go to the rock

[Verse 2]
Where do I go, where do I go
When the storms of life are threatening
Who do I turn to when those winds of sorrow blow
And is there a refuge in the time of tribulation
Go to the rock, I know he is able
I go to the rock


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